Sometimes I think we should change our name to “TVs are Us”. TVs are rapidly replacing projector installations in small to medium-sized conference rooms.
In this conference room, the client wanted us to remove the projector and traditional projection pull-down wall screen and replace it with a “big” TV. My first thought was, even the largest TV available (90-inch diagonal) will not be as large as the pull-down 120-inch diagonal projection screen.
What we all need to realize is that although a TV may not be eight feet wide, what it lacks in size is made up for in contrast and brightness.
A lot of the dimmer projectors that were installed 5-10 years ago are ready for an upgrade today. They are probably the old, lower resolution, old (full-screen) format and they project a dim light output. This may be because it was a low light output projector to begin with or it simply is ready for a lamp change. Something you never have to do with TVs. No filters to clean either.
In this conference room, we replaced an eight-foot wide pull-down wall screen with a 90-inch diagonal Sharp professional series TV monitor. No more noisy, unsightly projector hanging over everyone’s head and no more daylight washing out the white pull-down screen. And, a three-year express warranty.